newestresearchanddevelopmenthavefixedbit,220ofdiameticallimits40-100Mm.Serieso"> newestresearchanddevelopmenthavefixedbit,220ofdiameticallimits40-100Mm.Serieso" />

POWEROCTO familial fresh blood

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  • Click:240
  • source:LAURENDA CNC Machining
"Of " Then%> newest research and development have fixed bit, 220 of diametical limits 40-100 Mm.

Series of 42 milling cutter is a complement with familial milling cutter of Octomill8 face blade. Compare with the photograph of milling cutter of Octomill8 face blade before, 220 new-style.

42 milling cutter are had smaller before the horn after horn and less bit. This makes 220.

The 42 expression in asking the difficult treatment of good brae milling ability applies are a kind of admirable rough machining milling cutter. Typical applied domain is turbine lamina milling applies with all sorts of aviation milling. CNC Milling